Penalty Recovery and Reconsideration


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Pricing Bundles * 

Your website URL

This allows us to analyze your existing website structure and content.

Penalty Details & Documentation * 

Share any documentation related to the penalty you’re facing, such as manual action notices, ranking drop reports, or previous communication with search engines.

Reconsideration Request Guidelines * 

If provided by the specific search engine, share any guidelines or templates related to crafting reconsideration requests.

Website Analytics Access

Grant us access to your website analytics platform (e.g., Google Analytics) to understand traffic patterns and potential penalty impact.

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Strangled by SEO Penalties? Breathe Easy with SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration!

Do plummeting rankings and traffic warnings have your website gasping for air? Drowning in a sea of “penalty purgatory,” unsure how to resurface? SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration is your life raft to SEO salvation!

Imagine this:

  • No more phantom drops and traffic droughts, your website swimming freely in the search engine currents.
  • Toxic backlinks banished, replaced by crystal-clear backlinks bolstering your online reputation.
  • A compelling reconsideration request crafted by SEO masterminds, pleading your case with undeniable clarity and persuasion.

SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration isn’t just a quick fix, it’s a deep-sea dive into the root of your SEO woes. We’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the penalty maze and emerge victorious.

Here’s how we rescue your website from SEO oblivion:

  • Backlink Audit & Toxin Extermination: We’ll meticulously scan your backlink profile, dissecting every link with the precision of a deep-sea explorer. Unmasking and eliminating toxic backlinks that drag you down.
  • Penalty Diagnosis & Recovery Roadmap: We’ll analyze the specific penalty you’re facing, pinpointing the cause and crafting a personalized recovery roadmap to guide you back to search engine grace.
  • Content Detox & On-Page Optimization: We’ll ensure your website content is penalty-proof, optimizing elements like keyword usage, internal linking, and technical aspects.
  • Reconsideration Request Maestro: We’ll weave a compelling narrative highlighting your efforts, mitigating factors, and commitment to clean SEO practices, leaving no room for search engine doubts.
  • Ongoing Support & Navigation: We’ll remain your buoy in the SEO ocean, providing ongoing support, answering questions, and guiding you through any post-penalty adjustments.

SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration is more than just a service, it’s a partnership. We’ll stand beside you every step of the way, empowering you to take control of your SEO destiny and navigate the ever-changing search engine landscape with confidence.

Ready to shed the penalty shackles and reclaim your rightful place in the search engine sun? Contact SocialGlamUp today for a free consultation and discover how we can resuscitate your website and propel it to SEO glory!


  • Penalty Pathfinder: $999
    • Ideal for websites with limited penalty impact and manageable backlink profiles.
    • Includes a comprehensive backlink audit, penalty diagnosis, and reconsideration request drafting.
    • Delivers a personalized recovery roadmap and up to 2 months of email support.
  • Penalty Navigator: $1,999
    • Perfect for websites facing more complex penalties and requiring intensive backlink cleanup.
    • Includes an in-depth backlink audit, detailed penalty analysis, and expert-crafted reconsideration request.
    • Delivers a customized recovery roadmap, on-page optimization recommendations, and up to 4 months of email and phone support.
  • Penalty Captain: $2,999
    • Tailored for websites with extensive penalty complexities and ongoing SEO guidance needs.
    • Includes a dedicated SEO specialist, ongoing backlink monitoring, content detox support, and comprehensive post-penalty optimization strategies.
    • Delivers continuous progress reports, data-driven adjustments, and ongoing phone and email support.

Don’t let SEO penalties drown your website’s potential! SocialGlamUp is your life raft to recovery, offering expert guidance, unwavering support, and the knowledge to ensure your website sails smoothly towards SEO success. Contact us today and embark on your penalty recovery journey!

Remember, this is a flexible framework. Feel free to adjust the specific features and benefits based on your target audience and their penalty recovery needs.

Breathe Easy with SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration: Step-by-Step to SEO Salvation!

Drowning in SEO penalties? SocialGlamUp’s here to throw you a lifeline and guide you through a step-by-step journey back to search engine glory:

Step 1: Initial Intake & Penalty Diagnosis (1 Week):

  1. Website Access & Penalty Details: Grant us access to your website analytics and share any information about the specific penalty you’re facing (e.g., manual action notice, ranking drops).
  2. Backlink Profile Analysis: We’ll dive deep into your backlink profile, unearthing the toxic culprits dragging you down and identifying healthy backlinks to preserve.
  3. Penalty Root Cause Identification: Our SEO sleuths will meticulously analyze the penalty triggers, pinpointing the exact elements causing the decline and crafting a clear diagnosis.
  4. Personalized Recovery Roadmap: Based on the diagnosis, we’ll design a tailored roadmap outlining the recovery steps, timeline, and resource allocation for each stage.

Step 2: Backlink Remediation & On-Page Optimization (2-4 Weeks):

  1. Toxic Backlink Removal & Disavowal: We’ll employ a combination of outreach and disavow strategies to neutralize the impact of harmful backlinks, cleansing your profile for search engine favor.
  2. Content Detox & Optimization: We’ll analyze your website content for potential penalty triggers, optimizing elements like keyword usage, internal linking, and technical aspects to comply with search engine guidelines.
  3. Website Cleanup & Improvement: We’ll address any technical SEO issues impacting your website’s health, improving page speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall ranking potential.

Step 3: Reconsideration Request & Ongoing Support (Continuous):

  1. Reconsideration Request Maestro: Our SEO wordsmiths will craft a compelling narrative for your reconsideration request, meticulously addressing the penalty concerns and highlighting your recovery efforts.
  2. Submission & Post-Submission Support: We’ll submit the reconsideration request to the respective search engine and provide guidance throughout the review process, addressing any potential inquiries or revisions.
  3. Post-Penalty Monitoring & Optimization: Once the penalty is lifted, we’ll continue monitoring your backlink profile and website health, offering ongoing support and adjustments to maintain healthy SEO practices.
  4. Knowledge & Empowerment: We’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the ever-changing SEO landscape, ensuring your website thrives in the post-penalty world.


  • Step 1: Initial Intake & Penalty Diagnosis (1 Week)
  • Step 2: Backlink Remediation & On-Page Optimization (2-4 Weeks)
  • Step 3: Reconsideration Request & Ongoing Support (Continuous)

Please note: The timeline is an estimate and may vary depending on the complexity of the penalty, the number of toxic backlinks, and the efficiency of the reconsideration process by the search engine.

SocialGlamUp isn’t just a one-time service, it’s your long-term SEO partner. We’ll stand beside you every step of the way, empowering you to navigate the penalty maze and emerge with a website that’s stronger, cleaner, and poised for lasting SEO success.

Ready to shed the penalty shackles and reclaim your rightful place in the search engine sun? Contact SocialGlamUp today for a free consultation and discover how we can resuscitate your website and propel it to SEO glory!

Remember, this is a flexible framework. Feel free to adjust the specific steps and timeline to perfectly align with your client’s website’s needs and penalty complexity.

I hope this revised description with a step-by-step process and timeline provides a clearer roadmap for your Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration offering!

Requirements to Breathe Easy with SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration:

To ensure a smooth and efficient journey back to SEO sunshine, here are the key requirements for each step of SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration process:

Step 1: Initial Intake & Penalty Diagnosis:

  • Website Analytics Access: Grant us access to your website analytics platform (e.g., Google Analytics) to understand traffic patterns and potential penalty impact.
  • Penalty Details & Documentation: Share any documentation related to the penalty you’re facing, such as manual action notices, ranking drop reports, or previous communication with search engines.
  • Website Backend Access (optional): Providing backend access can expedite website health and content analysis, improving accuracy and efficiency.

Step 2: Backlink Remediation & On-Page Optimization:

  • Backlink Profile Access: Grant access to your existing backlink profile reports or tools (e.g., Ahrefs, SEMrush) for in-depth analysis and identification of toxic backlinks.
  • Content Management System (CMS) Access (optional): CMS access allows our team to directly implement content optimizations and website improvements, streamlining the process.
  • Technical Knowledge (optional): Having a basic understanding of website content management and technical aspects can facilitate smoother communication and collaboration.

Step 3: Reconsideration Request & Ongoing Support:

  • Reconsideration Request Guidelines: If provided by the specific search engine, share any guidelines or templates related to crafting reconsideration requests.
  • Website Ownership Verification: Ensure you can verify ownership of your website with the respective search engine to facilitate the reconsideration process.
  • Ongoing Communication & Collaboration: Maintain open communication channels for providing updates, asking questions, and collaborating with our team throughout the recovery journey.

Additional Requirements (optional but helpful):

  • Competitor Analysis & Research: Sharing information about your competitors’ backlinks and SEO strategies can inform our backlink removal and optimization approach.
  • Industry Research & Market Trends: Providing relevant industry reports or trend information can help tailor the recovery strategy to your specific niche and SEO climate.
  • Budget & Resource Allocation Insights: Discussing your available budget and resources for content creation, technical improvements, and potential outreach campaigns helps us optimize the recovery plan.

By fulfilling these requirements, you empower SocialGlamUp to craft a personalized Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration strategy that effectively addresses your website’s penalty issues, builds a healthy backlink profile, and ensures sustainable SEO success.

Remember, this is a flexible framework. Feel free to adjust the specific requirements based on your client’s unique website, penalty complexity, and available resources.

I hope this detailed list of requirements provides a clear roadmap for getting started with SocialGlamUp’s Penalty Recovery & Reconsideration service!

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Penalty Recovery and Reconsideration


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